- Wendell is a high school outcast who lives a lonely, suburban existence,losing himself in books in order to avoid his distant, motorcycle-ridingstepfather, Ted. When the school bullies convince Wendell to venture into theforest around their neighborhood and explore the long-abandoned RenaissanceFaire grounds they all believe to be haunted, Wendell is surprised to find a manliving in the barn – and even more surprised by the man himself. His newacquaintance seems the definition of crackpot, believing himself to be amedieval knight named Sir Habersham, tasked with the duty of slaying the dragonhe insists is wandering the woods. But when Wendell starts hearing rumblings- and listening to Habersham’s stories – he starts to wonder if,perhaps, it could all be true. In a heartfelt coming-of age story, Wendell mustdefy logic in order to follow his heart.